Hello there, | You're receiving this email because we've updated our Privacy Policy to comply with the new California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), which applies to all users of Formspree. If you're not sure if you ever signed up for Formspree, an agency may have signed up on your behalf. We've made these updates to ensure that our terms are easier to understand and to keep up with evolving data privacy standards. At Formspree, we've always cared deeply about your privacy and we want to provide you with clear and simple information about how we handle the personal data we collect. | We've updated our privacy policy to provide additional transparency on our information practices to comply with the CCPA. | There is no action required on your part, we just wanted to inform you. These changes are effective immediately and by continuing to use Formspree, you signal your acceptance of these new terms. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. | Thank you for using Formspree! | | Why did I receive this? You received this email because you confirmed an email with Formspree at this address. | | | |